Natural Looking Face Lifting | Sunface
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Face Sculpture

Natural Looking Face Lifting

Revitalize your face, rejuvenate your spirit

Face Lift

We offer Face Lift surgery in Dubai with some of the best international surgeons to improve the aesthetic appearance of our clients and help reverse the aging process.

The facelift procedure helps eliminate sagging skin, folds, and wrinkles on the face while tightening and lifting the skin. It also helps to lift the neck and chin area.

The procedure starts with a concealed incision behind the hairline. This incision allows the surgeon to separate the skin from the muscle and tissue below. Once this is done, the surgeon can then tighten the facial muscles to reposition, tighten and contour the face while removing excess skin. Post this, the incision is closed.

Every facelift procedure starts with an initial consultation with our plastic surgeon to determine if you are an eligible candidate, or if there are other more suitable procedures to enhance your appearance and give you the desired outcome.

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